Sociomeeting: Assesing the housing market spatial segmentation

Broadcast soon

Understanding the real estate market is crucial for political regulations and price predictions, as it directly impacts economic stability and community development. In this talk, I'll be discussing an innovative approach to understanding real estate market emergent segmentation via network science tools. Our study utilizes comprehensive dataset, encompassing properties across Spanish provinces and French urban areas. By organizing real estate listings into a complex bipartite network, we've been able to uncover significant community structures. These structures are not confined by traditional administrative boundaries, revealing a robust segmentation of the market. Our findings indicate that this methodological approach could potentially be applied globally, offering vital insights that could influence both urban planning and policy-making. Additionally, we'll delve into the importance of selecting appropriate spatial units for analysis to prevent skewed results. This research not only enhances our understanding of market dynamics but also sets a precedent for future studies in the field.

Detalls de contacte:

Juan Fernández Gracia

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