
Self-organized sulfide-driven traveling pulses shape seagrass meadows

Ruiz-Reynés, Daniel; Mayol, Elvira; Sintes, Tomàs; Hendriks, Iris E.; Hernández-García, Emilio; Duarte, Carlos M.; Marbà, N.; Gomila, Damià
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA (PNAS) 120, e2216024120 (2023)

Bifurcation structure of traveling pulses in Type-I excitable media

Moreno-Spiegelberg, Pablo; Arinyo-i-Prats, Andreu; Ruiz-Reynés, Daniel; Matias, Manuel A.; Gomila, Damià
Physical Review E 106, 034206 (1-15) (2022)

Seagrass spatiotemporal dynamics with a time-dependent mortality

Mampel, Jorge (Advisors: Gomila, Damià; Ruiz-Reynés, Daniel)
Master Thesis (2022)

Patterns, localized structures and fronts in a reduced model of clonal plant growth

Ruiz-Reynés, Daniel; Martín, Luis; Hernández-García, Emilio; Knobloch, Edgar; Gomila, Damià
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 414, 132723 (1-11) (2020)

A general model for vegetation patterns including rhizome growth

Ruiz-Reynés, Daniel; Schönsberg, Francesca; Hernández-García, Emilio; Gomila, Damià
Physical Review Research 2, 023402 (1-8) (2020)

Dynamics of Posidonia oceanica meadows

Ruiz-Reynés, Daniel (Supervisor: Gomila, Damià)
PhD Thesis (2019)

Distribution of growth directions in meadows of clonal plants

Ruiz-Reynés, Daniel; Gomila Damià
Physical Review E 100, 052208 (2019)

Fairy circle landscapes under the sea

Ruiz-Reynés, D.; Gomila, D.; Sintes, T.; Hernández-García, E.; Marbà, N.; Duarte, C.M.
Science Advances 3, e1603262 (1-8) (2017)

Electromagnetic absorption of semiconductor 2D Majorana nanowires

Ruiz, Daniel; Osca, Javier; Serra, Llorenç
Journal of Physics Condensed Matter 27, 125302 (1-9) (2015)

Optical properties of 2D Majorana nanowires

Ruiz, Daniel (director Serra, Llorenç)
Master thesis (2014)

Effects of tilting the magnetic field in one-dimensional Majorana nanowires

Osca, Javier; Ruiz, Daniel; Serra, Llorenç
Physical Review B 89, 245405 (2014)

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