Sungguen Ryu

Sungguen Ryu
  • Campus Universitat de les Illes Balears
    E-07122 Palma de Mallorca. Spain
  • Oficina S04
  • +34 971 17 33 69
  • Contact

Assistant professor in University of Balearic Islands, since Sep.2023. 

My expertise is theory of electron transport in nanodevices driven into nonequilibrium by time-dependent field.
I addressed the following specific topics.
    How to control and measure a single-electron nonequilibrium excitations using the time-dependent field.
        (belongs to study oaf single-electron source and quantum tomography)
    How the electric currents/noises are affected by coherent interference of single/two-electron excitations.
        (belongs to study of electron-quantum optics and electron flying qubits)
    What is the decoherence/relaxation mechanism of the single-electron excitations.

I am interested in the general challenges:
    How to understand the nonequilibrium quantum dynamics of electrons.
    How to use the understanding for quantum information processing in nanodevices.
Related to this, I have background in quantum information theory: how to quantify many-body quantum entanglement.

Recently, I am trying to address the topics:
    How one can utilize the time-dependent external field to enhance efficiencies in the nano-scale thermodynamic machines
        (belongs to study of quantum thermodynamics)
    Realization of quantum version of voter model by using quantum feedback control.
        (belongs to study of quantum Maxwell demon)

Publicacions recents

Characterizing and Mitigating Timing Noise-Induced Decoherence in Single Electron Sources

Sungguen Ryu, Rosa López, Llorenç Serra, David Sánchez, Michael Moskalets
Physical Review B 109, 165306 (1-11) (2024)

Measuring the arrival time of an electron wave packet using a dynamical potential barrier

Park, Wanki; Sim, Heung-Sun; Ryu, Sungguen
Physical Review B 108, 195309 (2023)

Time-resolved Coulomb collision of single electrons

Fletcher, J. D.; Park, W.; Ryu, Sungguen; See, P.; Griffiths, J. P.; Jones, G. A. C.; Farrer, I.; Ritchie, D. A.; Sim, H.-S.; Kataoka, M.
Nature Nanotechnology 18, 727-732 (2023)

Partition of Two Interacting Electrons by a Potential Barrier

Ryu, Sungguen; Sim, H.-S.
Physical Review Letters 129, 166801 (2022)

Conductance of electrostatic wire junctions in bilayer graphene

Ryu, Sungguen; López, Rosa; Serra, Llorenç
Physical Review B , 035424 (1-8) (2022)

Projectes de recerca recents i vigents


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