María de Maeztu Unit of Excellence

Web María de Maeztu

As a recognition of its scientific leadership and impact at global level, IFISC became a member of the SOMMa alliance, which brings together cutting-edge research centres and units in Spain. Being a member of the SOMMa alliance comes as a result of receiving the "Unit of Excellence Maria de Maeztu" Award (2018-2022) from the Spanish Research Agency (AEI). This award is a unique seal received by research institutions with highly competitive strategic programmes in the frontiers of knowledge, and which are considered by the AEI leaders in their respective scientific areas.

The scientific and technological priorities associated with the IFISC-María de Maeztu's (MdM) programme are:

  • Performing exploratory research on general new concepts and methods related to  information processing in and by complex systems.
  • Transfer of knowledge from the general field of information processing in and by Complex Systems to different specific cross-disciplinary fields and feedback from these fields: Quantum Technologies, Information and Communication Technologies, Life and Social Sciences.
  • Talent attraction: Students, postdocs, senior scientists and visitors.
  • Continue being one of the international centres of reference in Complex Systems and an important actor in the definition of new trends in the field. 

Research is structured in four entangled research lines.

The MdM project fulfills the European policy of equal opportunities between women and men and the recommendations of the Helsinki Group on Women and Science


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