Johann H. Martínez

Johann Heinz Martinez Huartos
 I got my Ph.D. in Physics of Complex Systems at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain. Then I joined the Institute National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM) Paris. France. I have been worked on nonlinear dynamics, quantitative biology, and computational neuroscience.
I enjoy the kind of research showing how biological, social, and man-made systems exhibit behaviors typically attributed to physical systems. Hence, I bet for transdisciplinary research to solve problems in a given field by resorting to tools from a prima facie completely different one. An innovative way to find new solutions with a different perspective. I've always worked in interdisciplinary teams when this involves computational implementations, maths, physics, and applications to relevant biological and/or social problems.
Currently, I'm working on the project NouLloguer to better understand the influence of new market models of vacation renting vs, residential housing. My primary interests lie in exploring applications of network science, time series, nonlinear dynamics along with data science projects in real and man-made systems (neuroscience, social systems, biology, among others).

Proyectos de investigación vigentes


Next Generation Tools for advanced mobility solutions

I.P.: Jose Javier Ramasco
Cities and metropolitan areas must confront the challenges of rapidly increasing urbanization and mobility needs, including the emergence of new transport solutions (e.g., individual electric devices, shared transport, mobility-as-a- services applications, etc.). ...

Salud Global

Salud Global

I.P.: Jose Javier Ramasco
CSIC PTI (Interdisciplinar Platform) to foment the scientific collaborations between CSIC groups/institutes and industrial partners in the ambit of one health.

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