Complex systems in the spotlight: next steps after the 2021 Nobel Prize in Physics

Bianconi, G.; Arenas,A; Biamonte,J; Carr, L.D.; Kahng,B.; Kertesz,J.; Kurths, J.; Lü,L.; Masoller, C.; Motter, A.E.; Perc, M.; Radicchi,F.; Ramaswamy, R.; Rodrigues, F.A.; Sales-Pardo, M.; San Miguel, M.; Stefan, T. ; Yasseri, T.
J. Phys. Complexity 4, 0121 (2023)

The 2021 Nobel Prize in Physics recognized the fundamental role of complex systems in the natural sciences. In order to celebrate this milestone, this editorial presents the point of view of the editorial board of JPhys Complexity on the achievements, challenges, and future prospects of the field. To distinguish the voice and the opinion of each editor, this editorial consists of a series of editor perspectives and reflections on few selected themes. A comprehensive and multi-faceted view of the field of complexity science emerges. We hope and trust that this open discussion will be of inspiration for future research on complex systems.

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